Dear Snoops,
For all this talk that “A.I. is so f*cking fun because it helps us to pattern-break” ET CETERA, and “its funny little weirdness-mistakery is flipping the script on creative production” ET CETERA… don’t u feel like things (at least in the décorworld) – are more and more Zzz as all f*ck?
And, it’s a result of YOUR failure – it is that we are being failedT. Failed-T; failed-TAH! Big emphasis. We are asked to expect a Brilliantly Creative “new world”, when only some sort of technology or another can finally unlock a new potential. That finally we will take the step to not just fiddle around with weird ideas but actually, maybe, one day, produce them.
And instead, we say:
The décorworld is often banal, and yet we need no distant server to reshape this.
We, FOR SCALE, politely request and expect an immediate change of course towards the Absurd, the imaginatively human, ET CETERA. And we would specifically like to put pressure, presently, on:
That is to say, we maintain perpetual CONCERN around how we are sold (domestic) décor — it is, as we shall assume you know from Personal Experience, truly and utterly uninspiring. Or rather, uninspiring to the imagination.
*We seek your identification of current exceptions in the COMMENTS, but we shall continue…
is that: we strongly believe that Décorbrands and Major Décorshops today have the power to show us the way – to give us permission, if not demand of us that we experiment and explore and expand. As they have in the past.
The Fash*on industry, for all its f*cking horrible speed and excess (i.e. the corruption of the beautiful cycle of “Seasons”), is really quite Philosophical about what Clothes can do for a person and their own identity and personal mythology?
Is décor? F*ck no.
Because what IS DOMESTIC DÉCOR, really? (CRUCIAL REMINDER-ing, or FIRST TIME INTRODUCE-ing of a thought)
A reminder that it is our firm believe that what makes DOMESTIC DÉCOR so completely important is that it is - unlike the clothes one wears - a very-possibly-totally-private personal expression. It needn’t be public-shared-seen, though it most often is, and so it is unique in the physical realm as a place for you to DO WHAT THE F*CK YOU WANT.
Strange how r there then so many ‘rules’. Disbelieve them!
But also strange is that when we are asked to look at (domestic) décor FOR SALE, we are rarely asked to imagine it as part of PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY or PRIVATE EXPRESSION or ET CETERA.
It is just plain old arrangement.
For example:
This is the brand-brand-new D.W.R. in Palm Springs:
All fine Things, all fine - sure sure. And P.S. is so sorta M.C.M.-fetishistic so… yeah, sure. On some level this makes sense.
And yet -
There has been, and there is, what the French would call an “alternative”. (al·tér·na·tiv)
We shall explore.
REVIEW OF RETAIL OF NOTE + very our top décorspiration source (on Substack); i.e. WAYS WE (COULD) FIRST ENCOUNTER MIND-EXPANDING DÉCOR
A CONTROVERSIAL TAKE on some very popular current décorshops !!! Eep