The new RH catalog looks just like this too. Coco-Poopy-puff suede couches. It’s cause everyone got pandemic puppies and they soiled the sofas.

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It's... very dull out there right now. 💩

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by FOR SCALE


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🤣 100% agree on the poo-ification problem. RH happily leads the charge and Banana Republic excited to to get a piece of the action. I think poo-ification is much more of an issue in the U.S. vs other places - a generalisation of course, but would you agree?

I’m an interior design student and enthusiast and so much of what comes out of high end U.S. interiors media is mind numbingly boring. Not true at all in the UK for example, where they can’t seem to get enough colour and flowery chintz. And from the media of other European countries, the high end interiors I see always seem have more interest, layers, colours, art, vintage pieces, originality... and just thought.

I’ve been using AI (don’t hate, it’s here to stay & it can be a tool) to create interiors images as a fun way to explore colours and styles, etc. And one of the reasons I love it is because of the fun colour combos I can do. It’s still very limited of course in terms of creating a room with all the variety and depth one would want, but nevertheless it’s been a great way for me to look at specific colour combos, styles, etc - as part of my studies. Yes, sometimes that results in the rainbow end of things, but it doesn’t have to... I think AI can be a good tool against poo-ification because it can expand people’s horizons of what might be possible, without much time or labour.

Now I’m wincing preparing myself your cutting response re AI and design🫣. Have mercy!

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Very fun and astute take! A puke of multi-coloured design pieces could also be a called a technicolour yawn 🥱🌈

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Maybe this is a UK thing, but the generic aesthetic here seems to be "sage and beige" more than poo. Lots of green walls and beige carpet/wooden floors. Definitely a symptom of the same issue.

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